LAUNDRY IS A NEVER-ENDING CHORE: Professional Cleaning Provides Extra Time
Don’t you hate doing laundry?
Studies have shown that it is one of the most disliked household tasks which takes an average of over 8 hours per month.
Fortunately, there is a better option for you and your clothes.
Let us take the chore of doing laundry off your hands!
Procter & Gamble released a 2001 survey showing how the average American spends seven to nine hours a week doing laundry. Given that more Americans own more clothes than ever before, this number could be even higher today. (According to P&G each American piles up 500 pounds of dirty clothing per year.) What else could you be doing with your time?
There’s a surprisingly simple way to give yourself back the time you are spending on your family’s laundry. Nor’east Cleaners offers a premium sanitizing laundry service with free pick-up and delivery to your home or office, in addition to handling all of your dry cleaning, rugs, and bedding needs.
P&G, more recently, shared the Everyday Effect theory, stating the feel good benefits of looking good. Actions that may seem ordinary or routine, such as wearing a clean shirt or brushing our teeth, can have a significant positive impact on ourselves and those around us. Let us help you look your best!
Professional cleaning uses equipment that breathes new life into older garments, eliminates wrinkles and removes soils and stains home equipment can’t get out.
Take back your time. Put that laundry basket away. Have the peace of mind to know your laundry, bedding and dry cleaning have been professional cleaned and sanitized. Avoid driving to the dry cleaners or timing your errands around the hours that a store is open and let us come to you.
Not only will you have more time to do things you and your family enjoy, but your clothes will look better than they would if you spent all that time washing, drying, and folding.
Professional cleaning gives you more time and keeps your clothes looking great!