Professional Dry Cleaning in Cape Ann
General Information FAQ’s
As a discerning consumer, you likely have a few questions about Nor’east Cleaners, the services we offer, and our general business philosophy. We have provided some answers to the questions we are most commonly asked.
What sets Nor’east Cleaners apart from the crowd?
We have been in business serving customers throughout the North Shore area since 1969. We are locally owned and operated and have been selected as the #1 Dry Cleaner for eleven years running by Readers Choice. In addition, our environmentally-friendly practices have earned us the Green Cleaner designation from the Green Cleaners Council.
What are your billing procedures?
We offer monthly billing that can be paid by the credit card of your choice for extra convenience. Electronic statements are also available to customers interested in reducing paper clutter and waste.
How do I change my personal information and preferences?
Contact us at 978-283-4545 or by email to info@noreastcleaners.com, and we will gladly handle any changes to either your cleaning preferences or your personal information.
How do I get started?
Call 978-283-4545, and one of our customer service representatives will take all the necessary information, or complete the Delivery Application Form.
Services FAQ’s
Do I need to be home at the time of pickup or delivery?
No. Our delivery associate will automatically pick up/deliver your items to your chosen location.
Where do you pick up/deliver my clothes and other items?
You select the location you want our delivery associate to service. Perfect locations are your front, side, or back door or in your garage/shed. Wreath hangers are available for your door, which you can place at the selected location for pickup/delivery.
What type of bag do I put my items in?
Nor’east Cleaners will provide two, sturdy, nylon laundry bags, tagged with your name, at no charge. Your first order may be placed in a shopping bag, along with your name, address, and telephone number. Please write Nor’east Cleaners on the outside of the bag.
What if I need something faster than the three-day turn-around on your route service?
You may place a Special Instruction Form in your bag, contact us at 978-283-4545, or by email at info@noreastcleaners.com .
What if I have a special request/issue with my garments?
You can use a Special Instruction Form included in your welcome box, fill in the necessary information, and leave it in your delivery bag with the garment.
Can I get alterations or repairs done?
Please fill out a Special Instruction Form and place in the bag with your garment. If the article needs to be fitted, you may come into the East Gloucester store for a fitting and we will deliver it back as soon as the alterations are complete.
How do I handle problems with my order after the items have been returned?
You may contact us at 978-283-4545 or by email to info@noreastcleaners.com . We will respond immediately!
Am I required to use a Garment List with each order?
No, these are not required but are provided for your convenience.
What days will I be serviced on?
Monday/Thursday: Gloucester, Rockport, Newburyport, Newbury, West Newbury, Amesbury, Topsfield, Boxford, Groveland
Tuesday/Friday: Manchester, Beverly Farms, Beverly, Essex, Hamilton, Wenham, Ipswich, Georgetown, Rowley
Do you provide any sort of satisfaction guarantee?
Absolutely. If you are not completely happy with the results you receive, we are committed to correcting the issue at no further cost to you.
Unrivaled Service in Cape Ann Since 1969
If you are considering giving Nor’east Cleaners a try but have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to give us a call at (978) 283-4545. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is ready to offer all the information you may need. We look forward to providing you with the best dry cleaning service available anywhere in the North Shore area.
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